Principle Investigator

 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dicle N. Dövencioğlu

PhD. School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK

MSc. Cognitive Science, Informatics Institute, METU

BSc. Department of Mathematics, METU

Research focus: Multisensory shape and material perception and sound symbolism using behavioral, psychophysics, and fMRI methods.

Office: Beseri Building Room B45

Virtual office:

METU e-mail handle: dicled

Postdoc Researcher


Dr. Görkem Baysal received his B.S. degree from the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department of Bilkent University after transferring from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department during his second year. Subsequently, he obtained his M.Sc. degree from the Biotechnology Department and his Ph.D. degree from the Biology Department of METU. He has joined METUSENSE as a post-doctoral researcher in 2024. His research interests lie in animacy perception, shape, as well as cognition. Additionally, he is passionate about performing arts and extreme sports.

Postgraduate Students


Saliha Arabacı (M. Sc.) began her undergraduate education at Istanbul Sehir University and graduated from Marmara University in 2021. She earned her master's degree in psychology from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazit University and is currently pursuing her PhD in the Psychology Department at METU.

Ceyda Koca received her Bachelor's degree in Anthropology at Istanbul University, Turkey in 2022. She's currently an MSc student at the Psychology department at Metu and is interested in cognitive evolution.

İrem Tuncel is a Master's student in the Cognitive Psychology program at Middle East Technical University. She has completed a bachelor's degree in psychology from METU. Her research interests focus on natural material sounds, multisensory material perception and sound symbolism.In addition to these, she is a comic book lover.

defne akkus

Defne Akkuş received her Bachelor's degree from the Psychology department at Middle East Technical University. She is currently a Master's student in the Cognitive Psychology Master's Program at METU. Her research focuses on material perception and sound symbolism in Turkish and Japanese.


Yunus Emre Türkmen is a master's student in the Psychology Department. He received his bachelor's degree in Psychology from METU and is interested in visual perception processes, especially animacy perception.


Gamze Cengiz received her Bachelor's degree in Biology, from Biological Sciences at Middle East Technical University. She is currently doing her Master's in Cognitive Science at the Informatics Institute of METU. Her interest areas are bioacoustics, behavior, neurophysiology and cognition. 

Undergraduate Assistants


Elif Gülare Çakır is a senior student at METU Psychology. She investigates Exploratory Procedures and sound symbolic effects on perception in her experiments.


Büşra Akdoğan continues her MSc studies, University of Freiburg Microsystem Technic (IMTEK), Germany

Defne Akkuş

Betül Ayça Coşar continues her MSc studies in Neurocognitive Psychology, Ludwig Maximillian Univeristy, Germany

Fatma Çelebi continues her MSc studies in Psychology, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany

İzel Deniz Vardar continues her MSc studies in Psychology, TOBB ETÜ, Ankara

Zelal Eltaş

Melis Hazır

Fatma Kılıç continues her PhD studies in Psychology, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany

Hamza Nalbantoğlu continues his MSc studies, Cognitive Science-Embodied Cognition, University of Potsdam, Germany

Alper Soylu

Okan Tayiz

Nefes Tekin continues her MSc studies in Cognitive Science, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul

Özce Özceçelik continues her MSc studies in Cognitive Science, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany

Öykü Göze Özdemir

Ebru Özden

Gökhan Özmen

Ömer Faruk Yıldıran continues his MSc studies in Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL Paris, France

Gamze Yıldız

Sude Yüksel


Last Updated:
19/02/2025 - 17:19